Thursday, March 26, 2009

haruhi suzumiya

photos of haruhi suzumiya:

Tuesday, September 9, 2008



  在过去的10年里,约翰·巴特利在打造创新型传媒公司方面大大地施展了才华。在上世纪90年代,他帮助创建了《连线》(Wired)杂志。在网络兴盛时期,他推出了《行业标准》(The Industry Standard)杂志。2005年末,在Google公司如日中天的时候,他出版了一本关于互联网搜索技术的书。如今,巴特利又在引领着一股新浪潮,他试图回答互联网领域最令人困惑的问题之一:如何将博客当成一份职业来经营?数以百万计的人发表博客、创建其他细分型网站,除了高涨的热情外,他们也需要养家糊口。 巴特利认为,他的新公司——联邦媒体出版公司(Federated Media Publishing Inc.)能够解决部分问题。这家新兴公司位于加利福尼亚州索萨利托市,它正与成千上万家知名网站签约,并向IBM、Absolut和惠普等知名广告客户推销广告空间。与搞客网(等博客网站不同,联邦媒体出版公司并不拥有博客网站,但它能获得网站40%的广告收入,其余部分则归网站所有。巴特利说:“这就好比是一种音乐标签,只是我们不拥有它们的知识产权也不知道教人怎么唱。” 联邦媒体出版公司虽然只是浩淼的广告海洋中不起眼的一滴水,但它必将会成为汪洋。去年,它为90家网站推销出了价值上千万美元的广告位。今年,巴特利认为公司将会走上盈利之路,销售额将增加5倍。今年2月5日,联邦媒体出版公司更上一层楼,它宣布已与思科、日产和耐克公司以及20家新网站签约,成为它们的广告代理商,其中包括视频博客网站菠萝网(Rocketboom)。此外,它还与Boing Boing、Digg.com以及其他一些大型网站重新签订了长期合约。惠普旗下的图像及打印集团正针对图像处理专家进行在线推广活动,该公司负责互动营销的主管戴娜·米德尔顿说:“这是个非常引人入胜的创意。你能够以独特的方式进入一个博客社区。” 巴特利面临的最大挑战也许是如何保持公司增长。去年,由于联邦媒体出版公司忙于签订新的广告版块,网站的许多广告位未被售出,有些网站对此满腹怨言。网络日志公司(Web Logs Inc.)是一家博客网站,在2005年被美国在线收购,其前任老板贾森·卡拉卡尼斯认为,主要的障碍是联邦媒体出版公司并不拥有这些网站:“一旦你成功地使客户的业务量超过每年50万美元,它们就会建立自己的广告销售队伍。” 巴特利相信他与广告客户建立起来的良好关系将为其扫清障碍。他说:“Boing Boing网站永远都叩不开通用汽车公司的大门,但联邦媒体出版公司则能出入自如。

作者:斯潘塞·安特(Spencer E. Ante)

Monday, January 14, 2008


The Rise of a Fierce Yet Fragile Superpower

The much-heralded advent of China as a global power is no longer a forecast but a reality. Now we, and they, must manage its triumph.


By Fareed Zakaria | NEWSWEEK

本刊记者 费尔德·扎卡里亚

For Americans, 2008 is an important election year. But for much of the world, it is likely to be seen as the year that China moved to center stage, with the Olympics serving as the country's long-awaited coming-out party. The much-heralded advent of China as a global power is no longer a forecast but a reality. On issue after issue, China has become the second most important country on the planet. Consider what's happened already this past year. In 2007 China contributed more to global growth than the United States, the first time another country had done so since at least the 1930s. It also became the world's largest consumer, eclipsing the United States in four of the five basic food, energy and industrial commodities. And a few months ago China surpassed the United States to become the world's leading emitter of CO2. Whether it's trade, global warming, Darfur or North Korea, China has become the new x factor, without which no durable solution is possible.


And yet the Chinese do not quite see themselves this way. Susan Shirk, the author of a recent book about the country, "The Fragile Superpower," tells a revealing tale. Whenever she mentions her title in America, people say to her, "Fragile? China doesn't seem fragile." But in China people say, "Superpower? China isn't a superpower."


In fact it's both, and China's fragility is directly related to its extraordinary rise. Lawrence Summers has recently pointed out that during the Industrial Revolution the average European's living standards rose about 50 percent over the course of his lifetime (then about 40 years). In Asia, principally China, he calculates, the average person's living standards are set to rise by 10,000 percent in one lifetime! The scale and pace of growth in China has been staggering, utterly unprecedented in history—and it has produced equally staggering change. In two decades China has experienced the same degree of industrialization, urbanization and social transformation as Europe did in two centuries.


Recall what China looked like only 30 years ago. It was a devastated country, one of the world's poorest, with a totalitarian state. It was just emerging from Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution, which had destroyed universities, schools and factories, all to revitalize the revolution. Since then 400 million people have been lifted out of poverty in China—about 75 percent of the world's total poverty reduction over the last century. The country has built new cities and towns, roads and ports, and is planning for the future in impressive detail.


Monday, December 10, 2007


該名稱今雖被廣泛使用,但其內涵卻並不太明確。一般說來,多指是發源於日本的電視劇種,在日本稱為Trendy drama,即愛情時髦劇,多由日本人氣偶像演員或歌手主演。



Thursday, October 11, 2007

イオン銀 20日開業 免許取得






Monday, June 11, 2007

Putin's Missile Gambit

Welcome to the fight, Vladimir Putin. That's the generous way to respond to the Russian President's surprising, if also somewhat confused, missile-defense offer at last week's G-8 summit in Germany. Mr. Putin wants to join the proposed U.S.-led system for Europe by substituting a Russian radar in Azerbaijan for the planned radar in the Czech Republic.

The underreported implication here is that, in offering to help, Moscow is acknowledging what most of the rest of the Continent figured out long ago: that Iran's nuclear program and growing missile capability are a potential threat. Russians have long said this privately, understanding that the war in Chechnya could take a dangerous turn if Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad follows through on his promise to share the "Islamic" bomb and missiles with fellow Muslims.

But Mr. Putin's public stance has recently been that the proposed "third site" for Europe is aimed at Russia, not Iran -- even though the Russians know that the system is designed to defend against one or two missiles launched from the Middle East, not against the thousands of missiles in the Russian arsenal. Mr. Putin's implicit acknowledgment of the Iranian threat constitutes a 180-degree turn.

The Bush Administration's immediate response to Mr. Putin's offer was to say it will study the matter to see if it's technically feasible. Fair enough; no one wanted to blow up the summit. But as a strategic matter, the appropriate response is already evident: The defenses belong in Europe, not Central Asia.